The Unopened Present

In the corner of the living room sat a beautifully-wrapped Christmas present. The colorful paper, bright bows, and festive ribbon promised a gift inside that had been carefully and lovingly chosen for its intended recipient. The present had arrived early under the tree, and the entire family – as well as their holiday guests – had marveled at it and wondered just what treasure lay hidden inside. The big night finally arrived; the family returned from their church’s Christmas Eve service (of course!) and began the time-honored tradition of opening their presents while gathered around the tree. One by one the gifts were passed to their recipients, and one by one the wrapping was torn off to the accompaniment of laughter, squeals of “Thank you!”, a couple “You shouldn’t have’s” and even one “But I’m glad you did!”

Finally the evening’s festivities were over, and after hugs and kisses all around, the family went off to bed while in the corner, under the tree, amidst all the wrapping paper debris, sat that one special present, still intact and unopened. And there it would stay, unopened, long after Christmas was over.

An unopened present. . . not likely to happen, is it? Especially if the giver were someone you knew and loved, and you knew that giver had chosen the gift just for you to give you joy and make your life better than it is, you’d be sure to open it wouldn’t you? I’m sure you would happily unwrap such a present, for the joy it would give you – and the giver, who wanted you to have it.  And yet, the truth is, there is a great and wonderful gift which has been given to the world, and which has been largely unopened, left  to sit in the corner of our lives. We know it’s there, and we sometimes give special attention to it at Christmas time; we talk about it, marvel that it’s been given to us, and even say thank you to the Giver occasionally, but for the most part, we leave it alone. What is that gift? Listen to the words spoken at the very first Christmas when the gift was announced by a multitude of heaven’s angels: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” (Luke 2:14)

Peace. What a wonderful gift, yet one seemingly in such short supply in today’s world that it could be considered “the Unopened Present.”  What did God mean by sending such a message through his angels, and why is it that a gift announced over 2000 years ago has yet to be fully opened by the world to whom  it was given? Why is peace missing from so many families, from our country, and from the world at large? As we celebrate the Advent of the Prince of Peace, let’s prayerfully consider God’s gift of peace:

  1. The gift is not found in some abstract idea of peace, but in the Gift Himself, Jesus Christ. We do not and cannot find true peace apart from Him. Like the bumper stickers that say, “No Jesus, No Peace; Know Jesus, Know Peace,” we look to Jesus as the source and goal of peace. Our own efforts at peace through our own strength, wisdom, political savvy, “visualization,” or good intentions will always fail.
  2. The peace promised by God through Christ is first and foremost peace with God, reconciliation with God by the forgiveness of our sins through faith in His Son. “God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself,” (2 Corinthians 5:19) “. . . having made peace through the blood of His cross.” (Colossians 1:20)
  3. When we receive peace with God through Christ, we have both God’s love and the power of His Spirit to move and enable us to seek peace with our families, the world, and even our enemies. It is because so many reject Christ and His call to love and forgive others that attaining peace is so difficult. And yet, we must not give up, for our work is to seek peace, by showing Christ’s love and making the Gift known. So make sure everyone knows their Gift is waiting. . . and don’t leave your own gift unopened this year!

Merry Christmas, and may the God of peace be with you all!

May the Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you, the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Amen.

Read: Luke 2

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