Reformation: RIP in the Gospel

5 thoughts on “Reformation: RIP in the Gospel”

  1. Thanks for sharing, Richard. This sounds like the assessment of the faith of the church in Laodicea – neither hot nor cold. That so many have lost the Reformation conviction and gift should come as no surprise. Satan continues to deceive and destroy. Over the last several generations we’ve seen the erosion of the Scriptures on the part of parents taking responsibility for training the next generation. Today, the life and program of the Church is determined by social priorities. Well, I’m going to stop with that lest you think I’m becoming grumpy in my advancing years. It’ still a great time to be the Church – to be the only community with hope and a future inspired by the grace of God revealed through Jesus, our Savior and Lord found in the gift of the Scriptures. Keep up the good work. May your efforts continue to be blessed by the Holy Spirit.


  2. Good article, Rich! Did you see the program on Luther on KVIE two weeks ago. It was the best dramatization of this subject that Sue and I have seen and we’ve seen several iterations. Good historical perspective, etc.

    You’re correct about purgatory. The people were sold a bill of goods on that one!

    God bless, Dave

  3. II Timothy 4:3-4
    “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound[a] teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.”

    Thank you, Rich, for the last couple of blogs. It is so refreshing to read such a clear, uncomplicated and consistent a defense of “the faith that was once and for all delivered to the saints.” In uncertain times, one of the hardest things to do is to avoid the temptation to alter the message to suit the spirit of the age. By simply stating what the Lutheran Reformation was all about, you have eloquently testified to the truth and defended the gospel of our Lord. For this reason, these blogs have been a blessing to me! Keep telling us the “old, old story”!

  4. Thank you again for a great message in this Blog. You really hit the nail on the head when you talked about Purgatory. So many people are following the way of the world, instead of the
    Gospel. We all know it is not our works here that
    earn us our citizenship in Heaven, but our faith. What I don’t understand is why people do not want to believe that Faith alone saves them ? I have had conversations with people, and asked them point blank how can you believe in Jesus, and still think you are going to Purgatory ? If you believe that Jesus died on the cross to save you then why would you think your going to Purgatory have you no faith ? Those are questions I ask people. This is just such a great Blog thank you sharing your blogs. Blessings, Raelene

    1. Thanks, Raelene. I also find it hard to understand why anyone would believe in Purgatory. I commend such people for their religious devotion and desire to please God, but feel bad that they have added to their own burden and taken away from Christ’s work. I pray that they will know the true freedom of the Gospel.

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